Dr Janine Pietsch

Associate | Lawyer since 2024

Phone: +49 211 20052-310
Fax: +49 211 20052-100
Email: j.pietsch(at)glademichelwirtz.com

Celine Seebold

V-Card Dr Janine Pietsch


Short Profile

Janine Pietsch is an associate at GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ and works with the CORPORATE practice. She advises German and international clients on all aspects of corporate law, M&A transactions and corporate litigation.

Janine Pietsch studied law at the University of Münster and passed her First Legal Exam in 2017. During her legal clerkship, she already spent her elective station at GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ. She passed her Second Legal Exam in 2019. She subsequently worked as a research assistant at Professor Ingo Saenger's chair at the University of Münster’s Institute for International Business Law while obtaining her doctorate. Her doctoral thesis deals with a topic at the interface of stock corporation law and procedural law. Parallel to her work as a research assistant, she completed an LL.M. in Mergers & Acquisitions in Münster.

In addition to her native German, Janine Pietsch is fluent in English. In her leisure time, she spends a lot of time with friends and family as well as doing sports.