Dr Markus Wirtz

Partner | Lawyer since 1999

Phone: +49 211 20052-110
Fax: +49 211 20052-100
Email: m.wirtz(at)glademichelwirtz.com

Katrin Marx

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Short Profile

Markus Wirtz is a partner at GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ. He acts as counsel in COMPETITION matters for DAX 30 companies, MDAX companies, international listed companies, small and medium-sized companies as well as industry associations.

Markus Wirtz has published numerous articles on antitrust and merger control law and is a co-author of the leading German commentary Immenga & Mestmäcker (since the 6th edition), of the Handbook of European Competition Law (ed. Mäger) and the Handbook of German and European Competition Law (ed. Lange). He is a regular speaker on antitrust law at conferences and training seminars, for instance those held by the Research Institute for Economy and Competition (FIW) or the Global Competition Review. He is reader in law at Leuphana University, and a member of the advisory board of the Institute of Competition Law at the University of Düsseldorf. Markus Wirtz studied law and economics at the University of Bayreuth. He holds an LLM in European Law from the University of Nottingham School of Law and was awarded a doctorate from the University of Bayreuth with a thesis on European merger control. As part of his legal practice course he worked as an intern, inter alia, for the German Monopolies Commission. Markus Wirtz is recommended in numerous international publications as a leading competition lawyer. 

Markus Wirtz is the current chair of the Antitrust Committee of the German Bar Association, a member of the German Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht and the Antitrust Section of the International Bar Association. 

As well as his native German, he is fluent in English and has basic knowledge of French, Spanish, and Dutch.

In his leisure time, Markus Wirtz enjoys literature, running, and mountaineering.


Experience and Matters

  • Defence of companies and members of the board in cartel investigations, such as "industrial bags", "industrial thread", "industrial insurance", "industrial chemicals", "concrete pipes", "paving stones", "power transformers", "sanitary fittings", "luxury cosmetics", "food retail", "drugstore products", "confectionery", "mills", "coffee", "pharmacies", "plastic packaging", "meat", "rail technology", "roller bearings", "automatic doors", "heat shields" and "steel"
  • Internal audits and compliance management systems
  • International and German merger control filings, e.g. for dm, Haniel, Red Bull, United Internet, Vion, ZF Friedrichshafen, etc.
  • Representation of companies in antitrust litigation, including HDI-Gerling, Deutsche Telekom, the IDW (German Institute of Auditors), and Medienhaus Lensing, each before the OLG Düsseldorf and the Federal Court of Justice, as well as civil antitrust lawsuits for companies such as 1&1, ASUS Computer, Deutsche Windtechnik, Gilead, Medion, Samsung, Total or Xerox 
  • Follow-on damages concerning, inter alia, "air cargo", "automatic doors", "beer", "food packaging", "gas-insulated switchgears", "industrial bags", "meat", or "sanitary wholesale"
  • Structuring of distribution systems


  • Wirtz in: Immenga/Mestmäcker, EU competition law, 7th edition, co-author on DMA
  • Wirtz in: Immenga/Mestmäcker, EU competition law, 7th edition, co-author on TFEU
  • Wirtz in: Immenga/Mestmäcker, German competition law, 7th edition, co-author on GWB 
  • Wirtz/Dompke, The Competition Rules Applying to the Relationship between a Minority Shareholder and the Joint Venture, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 2021, 604
  • Wirtz in: Immenga/Mestmäcker, German competition law, 6th edition, co-author on GWB 
  • Wirtz in: Immenga/Mestmäcker, EU competition law, 6th edition, co-author on TFEU
  • Steinberg/Wirtz, Der Referentenentwurf zur 10. GWB-Novelle (Part 2), WuW 2020, 8
  • Steinberg/Wirtz, Der Referentenentwurf zur 10. GWB-Novelle (Part 1), WuW 2019, 606
  • Wirtz/Schulz, Innovationswettbewerb in der Fusionskontrolle, NZKart 2019, 20 ff.
  • Wirtz/Schmidt, Anspruch auf Zugang zu Informationen des Bundeskartellamts aus einem abgeschlossenen Fusionskontrollverfahren nach § 1 IFG, ZWeR 2019, 309
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Cartel Regulation, author of the chapter on German law, 2024
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Cartel Regulation, author of the chapter on German law, 2023
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Cartel Regulation, author of the chapter on German law, 2022
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Cartel Regulation, author of the chapter on German law, 2021
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2024
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2023
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2022
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2021
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2020
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2019
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2018
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2017
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2016
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2015
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2014
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2013
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2012
  • Wirtz, National Enforcement of Vertical Restraints: Germany, in: Bellis/Beneyto (eds.) Reviewing Vertical Restraints in Europe, 2012
  • Wirtz/Möller/Eden, Leniency Regimes, author of the chapter on German law, 4th edition 2012
  • Wirtz, author of the chapter "Missbrauch einer marktbeherrschenden Stellung", in: Mäger (eds.) Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2nd edition 2011
  • Wirtz, Der kartellrechtliche Zwangslizenzeinwand nach der Orange-Book-Standard-Entscheidung des BGH – Versuch einer dogmatischen Einordnung, WRP 2011, 1392
  • Wirtz/Brenner, EuG: Bestimmender Einfluss der Muttergesellschaft wird auch bei überwiegender Inhaberschaft an der Tochtergesellschaft vermutet;  annotation to "Elf Aquitaine"- T-299/08, 
    GWR 2011, 291
  • Wirtz/Möller: Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2011
  • Wirtz, National Enforcement of Vertical Restraints in Germany, Paper, Conference of the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, 11/12 November 2010
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2010
  • Wirtz/Möller, E.ON: Commitment Decision – Gas Foreclosure (mit S. Möller), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 2010, 418 et seqq.
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2009
  • Wirtz, Eigentumsgarantie und Kartellrecht, in: Schwerpunkte des Kartellrechts 2007/2008, FIW series, Vol. 226, 2009, 167 et seqq.
  • Wirtz/Möller, Getting the Deal Through, Vertical Agreements, author of the chapter on German law, 2008
  • Wirtz, FuE-Kooperationen im EG-Kartellrecht, pharmind - Die pharmazeutische Industrie 2007, 814
  • Wirtz, Getting the Deal Through, Intellectual Property & Antitrust, author of the chapter on German law, 2007
  • Wirtz, author of the chapter "Missbrauch einer marktbeherrschenden Stellung", in: Mäger (eds.), Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2006
  • Wirtz, author of the chapter "Technologietransfer", in: Lange (eds.) Handbuch des deutschen und europäischen Kartellrechts, 2nd ed. 2006
  • Wirtz/Möller, Das Diskussionspapier der Kommission zu Art. 82 EG, WuW 2006, 226 et seqq.
  • Wirtz/Möller, Das Tetra Laval-Urteil des EuGH, EWS 2005, 146 et seqq.
  • Wirtz/Holzhäuser, Die kartellrechtliche Zwangslizenz, WRP 2004, 683 et seqq.
  • Wirtz, Anwendbarkeit von § 20 GWB auf selektive Vertriebssysteme nach Inkrafttreten der VO 1/2003, WuW 2003, 1039 et seqq.
  • Wirtz, Der Mitteilungsentwurf der Kommission zur Beurteilung horizontaler Zusammenschlüsse, EWS 2003, 146 et seqq.
  • Burrichter/Wirtz, EC Merger Review, Paper, ABA Section on Antitrust Law, Spring Meeting, Washington D.C. 2003
  • Wirtz/Bischke, Getting the Deal Through, Cartel Regulation 2003, author on the chapter of German law
  • Wirtz/Burrichter, Due Process and Judicial Control in German Merger Control, Paper, EC Merger Control Conference, Brussels 2002 
  • Wirtz/Burrichter, Recent Developments in German Merger Control, Paper, IBA Conference, Cancun 2002
  • Wirtz, Wohin mit den Effizienzen in der europäischen Fusionskontrolle?, EWS 2002, 59 et seqq.
  • Wirtz/Bischke, Getting the Deal Through, Cartel Regulation 2002, author on the chpater of German law 
  • Wirtz, Legalität und ökonomische Realität, Die europäische Fusionskontrolle, Dissertation, Nomos Schriftenreihe Europäisches Recht, Politik, Wirtschaft 2001 
  • Wirtz/Bischke, Bedeutung der "multi jurisdictional filings" bei Konzernfusionen - Bestandsaufnahme und Reformvorhaben, RIW 2001, 328 et seqq.
  • Wirtz, Die Aufsichtspflicht des Vorstandes nach OWiG und KonTraG, WuW 2001, 324 et seqq.
  • Wirtz/Bischke, Getting the Deal Through, Cartel Regulation 2001, author of the chapter on German law 
  • Wirtz, Der Stimmrechtspool als kartellrechtlicher Zusammenschlusstatbestand, AG 1999, 114 et seqq.